chat25 is a puzzle based on a 25 word paragraph composed by ChatGPT. The links below open up each puzzle when clicked. The prompt (context) given ChatGPT is to the right of each link.

 calvin 25 word calvin and hobbes dialog
 century 25 word summary of 20th century
 consciousness Philosophical concept of consciousness in 25 words
 discuss_alternatives 5 novel 5 word alternatives for ChatGPT discussion topics
 discuss_suggests 5 novel 5 word suggestions for ChatGPT discussion topics
 distance_ladder 25 words explaining the astronomical distance ladder
 gettysburg_address 25 word summary of gettysburg address
 hermione_joke 25 word joke told by hermione granger
 history_view_space_force How will history 125 year from now view space force in 25 words.
 history_view_trump How will history 125 year from now view Donald Trump in 25 words.
 humanity_in_500_years Describe the state of humanity 500 years from now in 25 words.
 sagan 25 word philosophy from carl sagan
 turing_test 25 words resolving does ChatGPT pass the Turing test
 vehicles Ethics of autonomous vehicles in 25 words
 warming 25 word projection of life under 2 degree centigrade global warming
 when_we_die What do you think happens when we die in 25 words.


c h a t 2 5 Sep 28, 2024